Andy Chan
Coaching and Consulting Experience
Andy has been involved in people development for over 20 years, initially as in-house HR partner, followed by independent consultancy. Being an Asian who has spent most of his life abroad in Europe, Andy can uniquely contribute insights and understanding on diverse working practices and cultures.
His clients are typically senior leaders in a wide range of industries, the types of intervention: leadership development, personal effectiveness skills training, executive coaching, assessment and team relationships issues.
Andy works most effectively when there is a sound relational base with the client; he therefore spends time and efforts on building trust and credibility, and on sustaining a climate of openness and integrity. He is personable, light-hearted, appropriately confronting and conscious of quality/value delivery at all times.
Industrial Sector Experiences
Manufacturing (UK); Telecommunications/Call Centre (UK) and Consultancy (UK and Singapore) serving Manufacturing, Financial, Pharmaceutical, Legal, Biotech, Information Technology and Civil Services.
Client Experience:
- Associate Faculty and Coach with the Center for Creative Leadership ‐ facilitating leadership programs and providing executive coaching at senior levels
- Executive Coaching and leadership programs for large multinationals such as the Tata Group, Mahindra, Sime Darby, DBS Bank, Barclays, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Murphy Oil, Philips, BHP Billiton, SIA Engineering
- Global Leadership and Cross Cultural coaching
Education and Professional Qualifications
- Certified NLP Practitioner
- British Psychological Society Level 1 & 2
- Accredited psychometric instruments: Benchmark 360, LEA 360, Global 6 (a 360 instrument that integrates cultural considerations), MBTI, 15FQ, Workplace Big5, Hogan
- MSc Personnel Management (UK)