
We appreciate your interest in registering for a FranklinCovey event.



We want you to know that FranklinCovey is committed to your safety and wellbeing. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 virus situation and are following the guidance issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local authorities. We are currently planning to hold our events. If this changes and you have registered we will notify you via email.


To ensure the safety of every attendee we encourage you to become familiar with and follow the CDC’s suggested safety precautions. We will be taking the following steps at the event:


  • Confirming with each attendee at the registration desk that they are symptom free, and that they have not traveled outside the U.S. within the last 30 days to areas with travel restrictions related to COVID-19. We apologize in advance if you are not granted entrance.
  • Strongly encouraging a “No Handshake” policy.
  • Reminding each attendee to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth and to cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.


We also refer you to the World Health Organization’s suggested safety precautions.


If your company has travel policies or health guidelines which prevent you from attending, or if you decide not to attend after registering, we understand and respect your decision and ask that you please let us know by replying to your confirmation email.


We have a great event planned and look forward to seeing you.  


Jimmy McDermott

Director, FranklinCovey Events




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