Leadership Foundations For Law Enforcement

Leadership Foundations For Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement

A workshop for emerging leaders.


Are your future leaders prepared to lead?

As the current generation of leaders marches toward retirement, organizations are already finding it difficult to find qualified replacements. The challenge lies in both numbers and experience; there simply aren’t enough qualified people to fill vacated leadership slots. Too often training only occurs after employees are promoted.


One of the ways organizations are preparing for this leadership crisis is to prepare future leaders to take on larger roles as they grow with the organization. This approach not only “future proofs” against a mass exit of experienced leadership, it gives organizations the ability to retain vital institutional knowledge, as well as attract and retain high-potential employees.

“Leadership is not something that you learn once and for all. It is an everevolving pattern of skills, talents, and ideas that grow and change as you do.”

Sheila Murray Bethel

The Solution

Leadership Foundations: Preparing Future Leaders For the Knowledge Age.

FranklinCovey’s Leadership Foundations workshop prepares individuals to take on significant leadership roles and responsibilities in the future. With an introduction to the 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders, high-potential individual contributors and informal leaders gain skills that will help them make a greater contribution as they grow with the organization.

Watch the course video.

Watch The Preview of the Course Video

About The Course

In this intensive one-day workshop, participants learn how to:

  • Increase influence with peers, co-workers, and superiors through greater trust.
  • Make a greater contribution to the team by linking their work to a clear and compelling purpose.
  • Improve efficiency by aligning their work to the most important objectives of the team and the organization.
  • Accomplish better results by implementing a proven system to execute on critical priorities.
  • Increase the capacity of the team by helping peers and co-workers to find their voice and volunteer their highest talents.
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