Sales Leadership Base Camp

Sales Leadership Base Camp
Sales Leadership Basecamp
Sales Performance

The Challenge

What would your sales teams say about their sales leaders?

When it comes to building a winning sales culture, leaders are the fulcrum of change. Every sales leader who makes a significant jump in performance does so by helping salespeople be more successful at their jobs. Helping sales leaders raise the bar on their performance—from wherever that bar is today—is a key to driving measurable growth in profitable revenue.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

John Quincy Adams

What Makes a Difference?



In the Sales Leader Base Camp work session, FranklinCovey helps sales leaders be more successful and derive greater personal and professional satisfaction by helping them:


  • Identify breakthrough potential in their teams.
  • Coach to results using G.R.O.W.®, a proven performance improvement methodology.
  • Focus on the important by following a simple and effective time management system.


FranklinCovey assigns a seasoned sales coach to guide each sales leader—we coach the coach. Our sales guides help leaders implement proven processes within their teams and upgrade and model their own sales skills. This greatly leverages and accelerates the performance of the entire sales team.



Move From Learning to Performance

  • For 12 weeks after training is completed, sales leaders receive weekly Leader Insights, with information and best practices to support them as they coach their teams to results.


  • Post-training opportunity advancement sessions with a FranklinCovey sales guide accelerate deal progress and boost sales leaders’ deal-coaching expertise.
  • Sales leaders whose teams have participated in FranklinCovey’s Helping Clients Succeed® sales training will coach them on their 12-Week Playbook to support and sustain new learning. 

Get Started Today!

Become more successful at driving measurable growth by learning to identify breakthrough potential in your teams and coach to results.

Reach out using your method of choice and we’ll put you in touch with a Sales Performance expert who will help find out if FranklinCovey’s Sales Leadership Base Camp solution would work for you and your sales organization.


Explore some of our most popular books and whitepapers.


Closing – 5 Skills for Achieving Win-Win Outcomes

Transform every client interaction into a decision-making opportunity. Navigate and influence the decisionmaking process with more precision and success. Create decision velocity for your clients, shortening your sales cycle.



Does Your Sales Training Measure Up?

Measuring ROI in your sales improvement initiatives can mean the difference between success and failure of those investments.



Let’s Get Real Or Let’s Not Play

The new way to transform a sales culture with clarity, authenticity, and emotional intelligence.




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